Thursday, August 25, 2011


Mahavatar Babaji is a great spiritual and divine being and above all, a saintly force beyond all human element. He is light, pure light, and forever radiant. It is said that he appears in the form of light and disappears in a flash. Babaji usually remains invisible most of the time and appears from time to time to mingle with his devotees and to bless them. Mahavathar Babaji, also known as Mahamuni Nagaraj, is a Himalayan saint. Also described as a deathless saint, Mahavathar Babaji guides his devotees and followers from a distance and is rarely seen.

Much has been said and is being said of Babaji, so this site will only highlight quotes from various sources at certain points here. Email messages from readers about their experiences and views about Babaji will be included in this site. You can write to me at or fill up the form below,if you have something you wish to say about Babaji or to share your experiences with those who visit this illuminating and sure-to-be-blessed page.

Photographs of Babaji are not available and only a drawing of his appearance in a meditative position was made available in Swami Paramahansa Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi". Today, pictures of his image in sitting position are available everywhere but they are reproductions and modifications of the original drawing that appeared in the “Autobiography of a Yogi” Thanks to Swami Paramahansa Yogananda for giving us an idea of his appearance and for making Babaji known to the common man.

If it is the first time you are reading about Babaji in this page, you will probably want to know more. Links to Babaji websites are listed at the end of this page.

To note briefly, Mahavathar Babaji was born in the year 203 A.D. near the sanctuary of Chidambaram. His contact with a group of highly advanced wandering sages contributed to his mastery of the advanced art of meditation and self realization besides being exposed to great saints like Agastyar at Courtrallam in South India and with Bogar in Ceylon, now Sri Lanka. He is said to have finally achieved the highest yogic realization at Badrinath near the Himalayan mountains. He is believed to be immortal and is only seen as a form of shining bright light materialising into a youthful human form to bless his devotees. At times, he appears in the form of dreams and on very rare occasions he appears in youthful physical form. Babaji is also known as "the deathless master". Babaji is a "mahaavathar" the world does not know much about. Please read Paramahansa Yogananda' "Autobiography of a Yogi" for a better understanding of the role he plays in our universe.

Mahavathar Babaji is always with us if we believe in his presence. Chant the mantra, "Om Kriya Babaji Namah Om" whenever you have time to think of the spiritual power beyond our comprehension.

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